
Name – The name of the unincorporated association shall be the Open Government Legal Defense Fund, also using its acronym/abbreviation of OGLDF, herein referenced as the Fund.

Purpose – The Fund shall exist with a sole charitable purpose of initiating, pursuing, supporting, and assisting public interest litigation and legal actions to promote, enhance, and defend the principles of and lawful requirements for open government – including transparency and access; timely notification; proactive public participation; and official accountability – accepting and utilizing donations from the general public and such other sources as may be provided by law.

Structure: Board, officers & governance – The Fund shall be governed by a board of at least 3 members consisting of a Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary with such other positions created as needed, the addition or replacement of Board members approved by a majority vote of the Board. Board members shall serve one year terms and be uncompensated except for expenses incurred by a member in the course of its operations. Decisions and actions of the Board shall be decided by majority vote.

Meetings – Board meetings shall be held upon the request of any Fund officer or a majority of the Board, to be held at a mutually agreed upon time and place, with the possibility for remote meeting participation. Minutes of meetings shall be recorded and retained.

Quorum – The quorum of the Board for conducting official business shall consist of a majority of the Board being present and voting.

Finances – Contributions shall be received and deposited in the Fund’s bank account with donors receiving appropriate receipts for their tax related filings and Fund records being maintained for all required filings with the respective public taxing bodies and revenue agencies.

Fund distributions – The Fund shall utilize its finances for incurred office expenses, filing fees, attorney fees, and such other litigation and legal action associated expenses for which the Fund has responsibility as may be incurred for litigation and legal actions approved by the Board. All expenses shall be paid in a timely manner within the financial wherewithal of the Fund. Upon dissolution of the Fund, all residual assets shall be distributed to other similar public interest legal defense funds.

Determination of case acceptance – The Board shall meet and discuss prospective cases or actions for which the Fund will provide financial or other support, its determination being based upon the matter’s adherence to the stated purpose of the Fund, with approval of a two-thirds vote of the board required to commit the Fund’s involvement. The Board shall have the authority to approve attorney agreement contracts as may be associated with the Fund’s involvement.

Rules of Parliamentary procedure – All matters of procedure not addressed by these bylaws shall be according to the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Procedure, Newly Revised. 

Amendment of bylaws – The Board may amend these bylaws upon a two-thirds majority vote approving, after adequate notice provided in advance to the entire board for its consideration.

Approved – These founding bylaws approved by unanimous vote of the Board, August 11, 2023.